International Relations Office

Escola Politécnica Da USP – Engineering School

The International Relations Office of Escola Politécnica of the University of São Paulo (The Engineering School) has a staff of 6 people and aims to promote students, faculty and researchers’ mobility by enhancing cooperation and helping with mobility logistics. In June, 8 2015 Poli celebrates the 1000th Double Degree of Escola Politécnica, involving 840 Poli students and 160 students of partner institutions. Nowadays, IRO-POLI has over 200 international agreements with several High Education institutions all over the world. Students and faculty members enjoy a multicultural environment with people of different cultural backgrounds. The large number of agreements with foreign High Education Institutions is one of our differentials, an advantage both for Brazilian and for foreign students.

Among other activities, our main tasks are:

 • Provide counseling and assistance for international students;
 • Advise Escola Politécnica graduates and undergraduates students on matters related to exchange study programs abroad and applications;
 • Support all the Faculty Members of Poli regarding to the administrative negotiations for the establishment of international academic partnerships;
 • Provides all the conditions necessary for exchange students from all over the world.

About Escola Politecnica of the University of São Paulo

The Escola Politecnica of the Universidade de São Paulo (Poli/USP) celebrates its 120th anniversary in 2013. Founded in 1893, the then denominated Escola Politécnica de São Paulo was integrated to USP in 1934. Turned into a national reference, it is considered the most complete engineering school in Latin America and dedicates its best efforts towards consolidating as a world class High Education Institution. By combining tradition and modernity, Poli has always been a synonym for quality and competence.

Escola Politécnica is an Engineering School that has 15 teaching and research departments and encompasses, 17 different courses divided into the 4 grand areas of concentration: Civil, Chemical, Electrical and Mechanical:   

Civil Construction Engineering Department (PCC) 

PCC, an integral part of the Great Civil Area, keeps close relationship with the civil construction productive chain, one of the most important in the country, representing approximately 10% of its Gross Domestic Product. Despite this importance, the sector presents several technological bottlenecks, particularly

concerning its productivity, sustainability and the quality of its products and processes. PCC professors, undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and technicians are committed to contributing to overcoming these limitations, and to developing innovative solutions for the problems involving civil construction engineering or those of its customers. To attain its goals, the Department has developed joint work with professionals, along with the public and private non-academic sectors, seeking to diagnose problems, define the priorities for actions and help solve them.

Also, PCC/USP has interacted with similar institutions in other places in Brazil and abroad, as well as with professionals and their associations; this interaction has contributed to broaden knowledge and to allow a more committed work by its faculty and non-faculty members.

Research line

  • Urban Engineering
  • Materials and Components
  • Real Estate
  • Building Systems
  • Design Support
  • Systems
  • Building Process Technology


  • LabCad
  • Laboratory of Graphics Design and Computer Assisted Design  
  • Laboratory of Reinforcement
  • Corrosion
  • Laboratory of Microstructure
  • Laboratory of Cladding| Laboratory of Building Systems


Department of Structural Engineering and Geotechnics (PEF)

PEF is concerned about the conception and the design of structures, which are the base of any type of Civil Engineering work. It is also dedicated to studying the technological properties of structural materials, to the issues related to constructive methods, and to structures use, maintenance and recovery. More

recently, PEF has made new connections of its activities with different Engineering areas, such as the Mechanical, Naval and Aeronautic areas. In Environmental Geotechnics, there is also a link with areas other than Engineering. In Brazil, PEF leads the development of a new area, that of Fire Design Engineering. Researches into this theme started at PEF in the late 1990s; they are now also developed at several Brazilian universities. In the Poli ambit, the theme has already been the object of over a hundred publications, comprehending books, papers and presentations at congresses, besides a number of MScs and PhDs works. Since 2010, PEF has pioneered an

optional undergraduate discipline concerning Fire Design.

Research line

  • Foundations and Excavations
  • Geomechanics
  • Environmental Geotechnics
  • Deformable Solid
  • Mechanics
  • Computational Methods in Applied Mechanics
  • Earthworks and Rockfill
  • Structure
  • Planning and Constructive Methods
  • Structural Systems and Materials
  • Structure Theory


  • Laboratory of Structures and Structural Materials (LEM)
  • Laboratory of Computational Mechanics (LMC)
  • Laboratory of Soil Mechanics (LMS)


Department of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering (PHA)

 The main actuation areas of PHA are management of hydric resources, river and maritime hydraulic works and Environmental engineering. More recently, it has also directed its attention to the environmental area. These activities clearly show the continuous concern in aligning USP with Brazil’s development effort, seeking to provide the community with the technological instruments it needs. PHD keeps many agreements with institutions. One of them, with the Department of Water and Electric Power of the State of São Paulo (DAEE), concerns the development of activities in the Hydric Resources and Hidraulic Engineering areas and allowed the establishment of the Technological Center of Hydraulics and Hydric Resources (CTH), national reference in its actuation area. For better developing its activities, PHD is organized into three great areas (hydric resources, hydraulic works and sanitation).

Research line

  • General Hydraulics
  • River and Maritime Hydraulic Works
  • Hydric Resources
  • Water Reuse


  • Basic Sanitation Technological Center of Hydraulics and Hydric Resources (CTH)
  • Sanitation Laboratory (LabSan)
  • Laboratory of Support Systems to Decisions in Environmental Engineering of Hydric Resources (LabSid)
  • Laboratory of the International Center of Reference in Water Reuse (Cirra)


Transportation Engineering Department (PTR)

PTR, one of the four departments dedicated to undergraduate courses

in Civil engineering at Poli, also accounts for graduate courses in Transportation Engineering, besides participating in the interdepartmental MSc program in Logistic Systems Engineering. PTR is structured on three sub-areas. The first, Transportation Planning and Operation, involves urban transportation, traffic engineering, transportation system modeling and analysis, logistic system planning and operation, terminals and transportation economics. The second,

Transportation Infrastructure, focuses on the design, construction and maintenance of transport routes, paving materials, pavement mechanics and pavement management. Topography, geodesy, cartography, geoprocessing and remote sensing are the themes in the third area, Spatial Information.

Research line

  • Transportation Systems
  • Transportation Operation Management
  • Urban Transportation
  • Logistics
  • Paving Materials
  • Pavement Mechanics
  • Pavement Management
  • Geometric Design of Transportation Routes
  • Topography, Geodesy and Cartography
  • Geoprocessing.


  • Transportation Planning and Operation Laboratory (LPT)
  • Laboratory of Methodological Studies on Transportation (LEMT)
  • Laboratory of Modeling and Algorithms in Transportations and
  • Logistics (LMAT)
  • Pavement Technology Laboratory (LTP)
  • Pavement Mechanics Laboratory (LMP)
  • Topography and Geodesy Laboratory (LTG)
  • Geoprocessing Laboratory (LGP)
  • Laboratory of Transportation Technology and Information (LTIT).


Chemical Engineering Department (PQI)

 PQI focuses its actuation on undergraduate and graduate teaching and research. Among the most relevant results are several projects sponsored by companies and by funding agencies, in modalities of technological innovation projects or partnership with companies, with highlight to the creation of CETAI (Petrobras Center of Excellency in Process Automation Technology) and of CEPEMA (Center for Environmental Research and Training) installed in Cubatão. The department holds a National Institute of Science and Technology (INCT) in the field of environmental applications of Chemical Engineering. The

department is responsible for a most successful experience with the Chemical Engineering undergraduate course. Taught on a semester basis up to 1999, it then started to be offered on a four-monthly basis, also called cooperative course. The main characteristic of this system is the intercalation of academic and training modules every four months, in which the student is fully dedicated either to academic activities at Poli or to training activities/internships in industries. The success of this model has been verified by the employability of the outcoming students.

Research line

  • Electrochemistry and Corrosion
  • Biochemical Engineering
  • Food Engineering
  • Thermodynamics and Unit Operations
  • Process Modeling, Simulation, Control and Optimization


  • Pollution Prevention and Environmental Remediation Electrochemistry and Corrosion (LEC)
  • Bioprocess Engineering (GEnBio)
  • Food Engineering (LEA)
  • Thermal and Mechanical Separations (LSTM)
  • Process Systems Engineering (CESQ-LSCP)
  • Pollution Prevention (GP2).


Computer and Digital Systems Engineering Department (PCS)

PCS activities concern techniques for developing and applying computational systems and information technology. PCS acts in different Computer Engineering areas, including automation, software engineering and artificial intelligence. Besides its activities in the undergraduate program, PCS integrates the Electrical Engineering graduate program of Poli and keeps close relationship with the productive sector, other research institutions and public organisms. It is today a national reference in the area and is acknowledged in the international scientific environments.


Research line

  • Computer Architecture
  • Automation
  • Reliability and Safety
  • Software and Database Engineering
  • Foundations of Computer Engineering
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Networks
  • Interactive Technologies


  • Laboratory of Computer Architecture and Networks (LARC)
  • Agricultural Automation Laboratory (LAA)
  • Applied Reliability Laboratory (LCA)
  • Laboratory of Knowledge Engineering (KNOMA)
  • Languages and Adaptative Technologies Laboratory (LTA)
  • Open Systems Laboratory (LSA)
  • Basic Software and Architecture Laboratory (LASB)
  • Intelligent Techniques Laboratory (LTI)
  • Laboratory of Software Technology (LTS)
  • Interactive Technologies Laboratory (INTERLAB)



Electronic Systems Engineering Department (PSI)

PSI is dedicated to four great actuation areas: microsystems and nanosystems, signal processing, integrated systems and information and processing systems projects. The curricular structure of the Electronic Systems habilitation encompasses basic courses in the areas of computation, microelectronics,

communications, control, energy and automation, in order to form engineers with a more generic profile. It teaches more than 1,000 undergraduate students, for it is responsible for the Electricity and Electronics basic disciplines for all Electrical Engineering courses. In the graduate courses, PSI shares the responsibility for the Electrical Engineering program with three other departments (Telecommunication and Control Engineering – PTC, Computer and Digital Systems – PCS and Energy and Electrical Automation – PEA). It is responsible for the Microelectronics sub-area, andshares the Electronic Systems area with PTC.


Research line

  • Circuits and Electrical Systems
  • Electronic Materials
  • Processes and Devices Microwaves and Optoelectronics
  • Signal Processing
  • Integrated Systems and Dedicated Systems Project
  • Sensors and Microsystems
  • Computing Systems



  • Microelectronics Laboratory (LME)  
  • Signal Processing Laboratory (LPS)
  •  Integrated SystemsLaboratory (LSI)

Departamento de Engenharia de Energia e Automação Elétricas (PEA )

PEA accounts for the formation of electrical engineers with emphasis on electrical energy and automation. It also develops research and extension activities in two areas: energy and automation. The first is directed to electric power production up to its end use, encompassing energy planning with emphasis on integrated planning of resources, on the expansion of the power system, and on power sources. The second acts in the building, port and industrial processes automation area, besides the supervision and control of electric power systems. More recently, it has also started to act on issues related to the electric power quality and its regulatory aspects.


Research line

  • Automation of Electric Power Systems and Industrial Processes (ASEPI)
  • Power Electronics and Static Converters (EPCE)
  • Simulation of Electromagnetic and Mechanical Phenomena in Electrical
  • Devices (MAG)
  • Production, Transportation and Use of Electric Energy (PTEE)



  • Center for Regulation and Power Quality Studies (ENERQ)
  • Generation, Transmission and Distribution Automation Group (GAGTD)
  • Group of Automation of Port and Industry Systems (GAESI)
  • Energy Group (GEPEA)
  • Team of Studies in Transients in Power Systems (GETSP)
  • Machinery and Motion Team (GMACQ)
  • Applied Electromagnetics Laboratory (LMAG)
  • Power Electronics Laboratory (LEP)
  • Laboratory of Electric Systems Protection (LPT)
  • Optic Sensors Laboratory (LSO)



Telecommunication and Control Engineering Department (PTC)

PTC is responsible for five general disciplines of the Electrical Engineering

undergraduate course, as well as for the specific disciplines of two of its habilitations: Automation and Control, and Telecommunication. Its research activities are organized in three areas: automation and control, signal and communication, and biomedical engineering. The first one is concerned in researcheson themes such as control and automation systems, industrial processes control and robotics. The second one is dedicated to studies on wideband communication, mobile communication, high speed networks and optical communication, among other themes. The third one concentrates on studies on signal processingfor neurological and coronary diagnostics, and electronic prostheses for the disabled, among other themes. Several of these researches are financed by companies, as well as by governmental and fostering agencies. PTC also keeps scientific and technological cooperation agreements with several universities and research institutes, both in Brazil and abroad.

Research line

  • Communication
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Mathematical Models and Dynamic Systems
  • Probability
  • Statistics and Stochastic Systems
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Control and Automation Systems


  • Automation and Control Laboratory (LAC)
  • Signal and Communication Laboratory (LCS)
  • Biomedical Engineering Laboratory (LEB)


Mechanical Engineereng Department (PME)

PME comprehends knowledge areas in Mechanical Sciences and Technology and their specialties, such as mechanical systems dynamics and control, machinery design and structure, and energy and thermofluid systems. In the teaching area, its goal is to form mechanical engineers with comprehensive knowledge, and systemic and analytical formation founded on basic sciences. Its mission is to enhance the graduate engineers knowledge in graduate and extension courses. PME leads research lines of academic interest, and with the productive sectors, in the most different áreas of Mechanical Engineering. With significant scientific production, its teaching staff is proeminent, both nationally and internationally, in university teaching, research and extension.

Research line

  • Dynamics and Control
  • Surface Phenomena
  • Fluids Mechanics
  • Offshore Mechanics and Maritime Systems Dynamics
  • Integrated Design Energy Systems and Thermal


  • Equipment Applied Acoustics – ACAPLI
  • Center of Automation and Design Technology – CAETEC
  • Center of Automotive Engineering Cooling and Air-Conditioning Research Group – GREAC
  • Fluid Mechanics Instrumentation
  • Laboratory of Dynamics and Control – LDC
  • Laboratory of Dynamics and Instrumentation – LADIN
  • Laboratory of Environmental and Thermal Engineering – LETE
  • Surface Phenomena Laboratory – LFS
  • Fluid-Structure Interaction Laboratory – Life&Mo
  • Alternative Energy Systems Laboratory – SISEA
  • Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Applied to Biomedical Engineering – MFAAEB
  • Dynamics and Fluids Center – NDF



Mechatronics and Mechanical Systems Engineering Department (PMR)

This department acts in the industrial and services infrastructure sectors, seeking to overcome the technological challenges of automation, productivity and quality. It accounts for the first course on Mechatronics Engineering established in Brazil, implemented in 1988. It provides its students with a varied curriculum, with emphasis on understanding the fundamental mechanical phenomena and exploring the use of different electronics and computing in automation engineering techniques. In the research area, PMR seeks to combine studies in mechanical phenomena, electronic devices and computational techniques. Its activities are closely related to the metal-mechanical and electro-electronic industry, specially concerning automation, increase in productivity and quality control. For that purpose, PMR encourages the relationship with the productive environment, and has sougth to work with private companies and public entities.

Research line

  • Biomechatronics
  • Manufacturing processes
  • Machinery design
  • Solid mechanics and impact on structures
  • Modeling, control and decision
  • Robotics
  • Sensors and actuators.


  • Design Laboratory
  • Decision-Taking Laboratory
  • Advanced Perception Laboratory
  • Automation Systems Laboratory
  • Laboratory of Sensors and Actuators
  • Laboratory of Robots for Special Applications
  • Computer Geometry Laboratory
  • Laboratory of Solid Mechanics and Impact on Structures
  • Laboratory of Fabrication Processes
  • Reliability Analysis Laboratory.


Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department (PMT)

  •  PMT is responsible for forming materials and metallurgical engineers at Poli. It keeps several agreements with companies and public organisms. In research, it stands out in the magnetic and electrical materials, semiconductors and stainless steel areas, among others.

Research line

  • Fracture, Corrosion and Wear
  • Reducing Fusion and Self-Reduction
  • Materials for Advanced Applications
  • High-Temperature Metallurgical Processes
  • Materials Welding and Junction


  • Laboratory of Polymeric Materials Analysis (RHEOLAB)
  • Thermal Analyses Laboratory (LAT)
  • Laboratory of Self-Reduction and Fusion Reduction (LABRED)
  • Laboratory of Microstructural Characterization (LCT)
  • Laboratory of Computing in Materials Science (LCCMat)
  • Ceramic Dispersions Laboratory
  • Macromolecular Engineering Laboratory (LEM)
  • Mechanical Essays Laboratory (LABMEC)
  • Hydrometallurgy Laboratory (HIDRO)
  • Junction and Welding Laboratory (LABSOLD)
  • Composite Materials Laboratory (LMC)
  • Laboratory of Particulate Raw Materials and Non-Metallic Solids (LMPSol) Laboratory of Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis (LABMEV)
  • High Energy-Grinding Laboratory (LMAE)
  • Laboratory of Polymeric Materials Processing (PROPOLAB)
  • Ceramic Processes Laboratory (LPC)
  • High-Temperature Processes Laboratory (LPAT)
  • Electrochemical Processes Laboratory (LPE)


Mining and Petroleum Engineering Department (PMI)

PMI is characterized by the contribution to the consolidation of mineral engineering in Brazil, specially by forming human resources. In 2001, meeting a PMI proposal, the establishment of the Petroleum Engineering habilitation was approved, and it began to be offered in 2002. PMI stands out in the discussion

and formulation of public policies for the mineral sector, for the reuse of natural resources and for the protection of the environment. It is invited to elaborate propositions, for the competent public organisms to adopt, in themes such as the mining and technological policy in the State of São Paulo. Its researches aim at understanding the problems faced by the Brazilian mineral industry, as well as contributing to solve them.

Research line

  • Technological Characterization of Ores e Mineral Raw Materials
  • Environmental Control, Hygiene and Safety in Mining
  • Quarry Mining
  • Rock Mechanics applied to Mining
  • Mineral Research and Economics


  • Ore Treatment Technological Characterization Laboratory (LCT)
  • Laboratory of Environmental Control, Hygiene and Safety in Mining (LACASEMIN)
  • Rock Mechanics Laboratory (LMR)
  • Laboratory of Mining Design and Optimization (LAPOL)
  • Laboratory of Simulation and Ore Treatment Process Control (LSC)
  • Laboratory of Ore and Industrial Wastes Treatment (LTM)
  • Laboratory for Transport Phenomena and Chemistry Applied to Mineral Industry (LFQ)


Naval and Ocean Engineering Department (PNV)

Ever since its foundation, PNV has markedly contributed for enhancing maritime and river technology in Brazil. Along five decades, a large number of research work were developed in a partnership with important institutions, among which, the Brazilian Navy, the Institute for Technological Research of the State of São Paulo (IPT) and Petrobras. PNV acts in different research areas, such as development of new conceptions for offshore oil and gas exploration systems, maritime dynamics and hydrodynamics, ocean structures and structural integrity, logistics and maritime and river transport, risk management, and naval and ocean project management. Among the most detached projects is the ship Professor Wladimir Besnard, the first marked result of the Naval Engineering course at Poli, established by means of an agreement between USP and the Brazilian Navy. In 1983, the ship traveled to Antarctica, marking the beginning of the Brazilian researches in that continent.


Research line

  • Ocean Systems Control
  • Ocean Structures and Structural Integrity
  • Hydrodynamics and Ocean Systems Dynamics
  • Logistics and Transportations



  • Naval and Ocean Engineering Laboratory

Production Engineering Department (PRO)

Production engineering is concerned with the projects, improvement and implementation of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment and energy, for the production of goods and services, in an economic way, respecting values and cultures. PRO strives to follow academic and market demands. It forms students focusing both on the industry and services, which encompasses the integration of the expanded production function (logistics) with other functions, such as product project and marketing, and the positioning and strategic contribution of the production activities. It also offers disciplines in the interdepartmental Master Degree in Logistics and in the Design undergraduate course, in a partnership with School of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU).


Research line

  • Financial Engineering
  • Ergonomics and Work Analysis
  • Implementation of Information Technology Systems
  • Logistics and Supply Chain
  • Organization and Management of Service Operation Systems
  • Information Technology Planning | Technology and Engineering Policy and
  • Management
  • Productivity in Operation Systems and Logistics
  • Project and Organizational Analysis of Integrated and Flexible Production Quality and Product Engineering
  • Productive Restructuring in the Automotive Brazilian Complex
  • Technology and Industrial Organization



  • Production Economics and Financial Engineering (EPEF)
  • Operations and Logistics (GOL)
  • Quality and Product Engineering (QEP)
  • Information Technology (GTI)
  • Work, Technology and Organization (TTO)


Escola Politecnica is located at Cidade Universitária (Campus São Paulo, Capital). There is regular public transportation from the Campus to Metro Station (Metro Butantan). There are another Campus: Santos City (Petroleum course).