Escola Politecnica provides all the conditions necessary for exchange. Students from High Education Institutions all over the world, for example, count on a large number of agreements, as well as places and programs to receive them. A period of study at Escola Politécnica is thus a unique opportunity for international students to develop a global network of peers and alumni. The Escola Politecnica seeks to attract the best international students into its programs using the excellence criterion to select them.

Semesters/Quarterly Period

First semester: beginning in February/March ends in June (holydays in July).
Second semester: beginning in August ends in December (holydays in January).
Quarterly courses: starts in January to April / May to August / September to December.

Grading System: grades are given on zero to ten scales. Passing grade is five. Highest mark is usually seven. Grades are absolute and not comparative. A transcript of records will be sent free of charge to the partner university’s exchange coordinator at the end of the study period.

Language Requirements: the language of instruction at EPUSP is Portuguese. The Portuguese Language Proficiency Certificate is not mandatory. It is a requirement that all exchange students have the basic level in Portuguese.

Portuguese Language Course: is open for all foreign students at the Language Center of Faculty of Philosophy Letters and Humanities of USP. A placement test upon arrival is a requirement for defining your level and the courses that you will be taking For further information please visit or send a message to There are opportunities of Online Portuguese Courses that will be informed to the students nominated to the exchange programs.

Student Visa (Temporary Type IV) is compulsory to be registered at Poli. This Visa has to be requested by the student while still in his/her home country from the Brazilian Diplomatic Representation (

Proof of Health insurance is compulsory to covers all the exchange program period and has to be purchased by the student before leave your home country.

Accommodation: POLI does not guarantee to foreign students any sort of accommodation. Before arrive in São Paulo, please contact the students from iPoli Team – through the e-mail: they will advise you about accommodation; the Orientation Week and academic life.

Enrollment/Registration: to officially enroll at POLI, you need to show your Student Visa Type IV and proof of health insurance valid for the whole exchange period. Then we will give (if available) your USP and BUSP Cards. The enrollment procedure needs to be done after your arrival.

Registration in Disciplines and Certificate of Registration: the Undergraduate Office is responsible to register you in the disciplines and issue the Certificate of Registration and the Transcript of Records.

Studying at Poli

Course Schedule: The course schedule for upcoming semesters will be published only a few months before the semester starts. If you want to know which courses are held, you can also check the course schedule of past semesters. The offer of courses is different in Summer Semester (February/March to June) and Winter Semester (August to December), but normally from year to year the general offer of courses will not change much.


Poli registration and approval rules: Grades may range from zero to ten, and these numbers may be rounded to the nearest tenth (Rules and Regulations, article 83):

  • The student whose final grade is five or higher, and whose attendance is seventy percent or higher, shall earn the applicable credits (Rules and Regulations,
    article 84).
  • One ‘In class’ credit corresponds to 15 hours in a given semester, while one ‘Workload’ credit corresponds to 30 hours.
  • The transcript of academic records is in full, showing failures and/or interruptions of study
  • If the student is registered in a discipline that he decided not to attend, the student must require the cancellation of this registration on the beginning of the semester. If the student doesn’t do it, the discipline will appear on the transcript as a failure.


Exams at POLI are normally held in the time between lecture periods. The exact time and date of each exam will be communicated by your professor. The professor also decides whether the exam is held orally or written. Normally, every exam is held both in Winter Semester and in Summer Semester.

Computers: the university computer center (STI) provides free-to-use computer rooms with internet access and an inexpensive printing service. They also offer free WLAN (via eduroam) in most university areas.


Cafeteria (Bandeijão): You can find a large number of cafeterias (Bandeijão)as well as restaurants around the Campus, which offer a large variety of cheap meals for students. In the “Bandeijão” you can pay your meal with money charged to your USP Card. For the other restaurants you have to pay cash.

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