Face to face service

Student Service at Poli International Office is open:

Mondays to Fridays, from 09h00am to 12h00pm

in Administration Building at Poli – First floor

Dear students,

It is necessary to upload the proof of vaccination (1st dose / 2nd dose and 3rd dose) in the Mundus System as soon as possible.

For those who took Jansen (single dose), put it in the 1st and 2nd dose (same proof).

About the third dose:

  •  Proof of receipt of the booster dose is mandatory for registration of attendance and grades in the second semester of 2022.
  •  Let us know the date you can take it if you haven’t taken it yet.

We remind you that the document of vaccination must contain the full name of the student, the type of dose applied and the date of application.

 Kind regards,
SVREINT-Poli (28th of september/2022)

Welcome Day

Welcome day 2020 (foto: Patricia Sandes)

The “Welcome Day” happens every beginning of the semester, and aims to present the Escola Politécnica of USP to the new foreign students. In this event, we’ll have some presentations that are going to show a little bit more of Brazil, São Paulo and also your new university, USP!

Besides that, we are gonna have a coffee break with typical foods from Brazil, and performances of Poli Dance (with dancing and Brazilian rhythms), Acappolli (the Poli’s Acappella group), collective groups from Poli and capoeira “Fonte do Gravatá”!

The “Welcome Day” is organized by iPoli (Student Association of the Escola Politécnica).


The Escola Politécnica of University of Sao Paulo (The Engineering School) is very pleased to receive you as an exchange student. Click on your program below and see the procedures for registering you at our systems:

RNM (requesting the RNM for the first time):

To issue the RNM and schedule an appointment with the Federal Police, you must follow the guidelines below:

1) Read the information about the procedure – click here

2) Gather the documents on this list – docs here

3) Fill in the form and save the page with the QRcode as a pdf – click here

4) Send all the documents of the list  and the form (pdf format) to our email ( .


Note: The copy of the passport must include all pages of it.


Requesting the RNM when the first RNM is about to expire.

For the renewal of RNM and scheduling at the Policia Federal, you will have to follow the guidelines below:

1) Read the information about the procedure – Second RNM

2) Gather the documents on this list:(

3) Fill in the form and save the page with the QRcode as a pdf.(

4) Send to our email ( all the documents of the list and the form.


You my also need to present:

1) Up-to-date criminal record certificate from Brazil; (Document that proves that you have no pending issues with the Brazilian and State Courts):

  1. “Antecedentes criminais”:

2) School performance (for students); (Your Transcript of Records or proof of your activities performed in Brazil by the University – I can be a letter of the coordinator of the research for researchers)

3) Means to get by financially.; (Scholarship or internship that proves that there are ways for you to support yourself in Brazil during your exchange)

Send us everything in PDF to:

Note: The copy of the passport must include all pages of it.


Bank account for money transactions of all kinds you need to open a bank account with a local Brazilian bank. To do that, you will need your passport, the RNE, the admission letter and a valid address in São Paulo.

After your exchange program time in POLI, it is very important that you pay all your debts, cancel standing orders and close your bank account. Please do not forget that!

AFTER you arrive in Brazil

Check your visa “vignette” (sticker in your passport). You must register if it has “Register with the Federal Police, within 90 days of first entry/ Registro na Polícia Federal dentro de 90 dias da primeira entrada” on it.

Steps in the application process:

  1. Gather the required documents. Checklists: visto temporário (here) & publicação no DOU (here)
  2. Schedule an appointment (here)
  3. Submit your RNM application in person to the Federal Police

Need help? Find answers to your questions in the  step-by-step guide.

In case you are unable to get an appointment by yourself and your deadline is about to expire or you are in a hurry and wish to register as soon as possible, you can apply via AUCANI USP

The service is free of charge and available only for the following applications:


STEP 1: Fill out this form and submit a scanned copy of the required documents. Please help us by preparing your documents and filling out the forms as well as possible! You won’t be able to apply through our office if any of the documents are missing.

STEP 2: Wait for the confirmation email.

  • You will receive an email as soon as AUCANI has processed your application and scheduled you an interview at the Federal Police.
  • The processing of applications submitted to AUCANI can take between two and four weeks depending on the workload of the Federal Police. 
  • Please note that the Federal Police only opens 15 slots/week for USP international students/researchers. Priority is given to those applicants whose deadline is about to expire.

STEP 3 : Attend the interview at the Federal Police. 

  • You will be unable to register if any of the documents are missing.
  • Interviews scheduled by AUCANI usually take place on Fridays. Please arrive 15 min before your appointment time to ensure you don’t lose your place. If you arrive more than 15 minutes after your appointment time you will be asked to rebook the appointment. 
  • When you arrive at the Federal Police, identify yourself at the front desk as a student/ researcher from the University of São Paulo.
If you came to Brazil without the original visa application form OR the Brazilian Consulate made a mistake when issuing your visa, the Federal Police will not accept your application. 

You must contact Escritório de Representação em São Paulo – ERESP (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Office in São Paulo). ERESP (Assistência consular) is responsible for correcting visa errors and issuing a new visa application form.



What should you do if you lose your passport containing your brazilian visa while I am in Brazil?

If your passport is lost or stolen, you should:

(1) report it to the local police station and get a police report (“boletim de ocorrência”);

(2) contact the Embassy/Consulate and apply for a new passport or travel document.

Visa: see question “7. Problems with your visa or visa application form?” 

Time-saving tips:
  • Once you know your arrival date and full address in Brazil, you can start the online visa registration process.
  • Bring all the copies of your documents and photos from your country. This may speed up the initial arrangements.

Your visa is a document that allows you to enter the country, i.e., the expiration date shown on your visa does not reflect how long you are authorized to stay within Brazil. The permitted stay in Brazil is determined by the Federal Police upon registration (RNM). So if your RNM is about to expire, you must extend your stay with the Federal Police (see how in the next question).

It is essential that you always have a valid residence permit during your stay in Brazil. As a rule this permit can be extended as long as your purpose of stay is still valid.


If you are on a

You must apply for a



(research visa)
temporary residence permit for research purposes (via MigranteWeb)
Checklist: Registro com base em publicação em Diário Oficial da União
How to get a “Página do Diário Oficial da União em que conste o deferimento”?

Need help? Find answers to your questions in the step-by-step guide

(student visa)

temporary residence permit for study purposes
(renovação de autorização de residência para fins de estudo)

Checklist: Autorização de residência para fins de estudo
Need help? Find answers to your questions in the step-by-step guide

(Mercosur visa)

change of residence status (temporary > permanent)
(alteração de autorização de residência temporária para permanente do Acordo de Residência Mercosul)

Checklist: Acordo sobre Residência do MERCOSUL: Argentina, Bolívia, Chile, Colômbia, Equador, Paraguai, Peru e Uruguai

(visit visa)

(1) VIVIS extension (up to 90 days)

Prorrogar Estada no Brasil

(2) one of the above mentioned residence permits

see above

Time to come back home (Double Degree).

O que devo fazer antes de solicitar a colação de grau?

  • Alunos do Convênio Duplo Diploma que ainda não tem as disciplinas da sua escola de origem no seu histórico escolar da Poli devem solicitar que a escola do exterior encaminhe o histórico escolar completo da parte do curso feito no país de origem para o email da CRINT:
  • Alunos de Duplo Diploma devem ter apresentado o plano de estudos feito com o coordenador do seu curso na Poli no início do intercâmbio para o Serviço de Graduação e se houver qualquer alteração desse plano inicial, o documento alterado deverá ser entregue e aprovado pela Coordenação de curso do seu curso na Poli que encaminhará para a avaliação da Comissão de Graduação.

Quando você : (1) estiver matriculado no último semestre do seu período de duplo diploma e não tem mais nenhuma pendência com a escola do exterior, ou (2) você já cumpriu seu duplo diploma aqui e já cumpriu todos os requisitos da escola do exterior, você deverá se inscrever para a colação de grau para finalização do seu programa na Poli.

A Seção de Expedição de Diplomas encaminhará um email com instruções de como solicitar a colação de grau. Caso não tenha recebido esse email, entre em cotato com eles através do email:

  • Nesse email, haverá um link para que você se inscreve na colação de grau, na qual você deverá anexar (1) CRNM, (2) CPF e Certidão de Nascimento ou Certidão de Casamento.
  • Os três documentos devem estar digitalizados apenas em um arquivo PDF, com frente e verso legíveis. Atenção: Não serão aceitos documentos de fotos de celulares, com arquivos de extensão JPEG, PNG entre outras. Só serão aceitos documentos com extensão em PDF.
  • Antes de preencher o formulário tenha os documentos já digitalizados.

Dúvidas click aqui.