O Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept. do Politecnico di Milano oferece oportunidades para realização de pesquisa na forma de “programa sanduíche” com duração de 6 a 12 meses no tema: 

Deep learning strategies to learn the micromechanics of fracture: The development of data-driven strategies based upon machine and deep learning had an unprecedented impact on the way complex problems are approached, even in solid and fracture mechanics. Moving from recent results on hybrid strategies to merge computational homogenization and image recognition, deep learning architectures like transformers are going to be adopted to learn the link between materials microstructure and fracture mechanics, within ad adaptive environment that can also take advantage of results achieved with physics-informed neural networks (PINNs).

As bolsas aos doutorandos e pós-doutorandos serão fornecidas por meio de convênio CONFAP e Rete Università Italiana (MCI). Observar que o programa aplica-se SOMENTE a candidatos brasileiros que já estejam em atividades de doutorado ou pós-doutorado, conforme diretrizes de um programa “sanduíche”.

Interessados podem contactar Prof. Stefano Mariani:

Oportunidade divulgada por meio do professor Claudio Ruggieri, do Departamento de Engenharia Naval da Poli-USP.

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